Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Wart Like Thing In My Scalp

affair billboard - welcome the competition:)

2 days ago I added a post regarding this looks like a billboard, and looks like a banner. Of course, the response from the outside was a dispute. And very positive (thank you), and critical.
For these first thanks for your sense of humor, and distance. For
second, a few observations: first

It should have a little distance, did not receive anything for himself.
second Do not make fun of the GM, with ichejszych models, pictures, or makeup but with the form of exposure for this ad.
third If I do I will give a calendar to be disintegrating or billboard in this form - go ahead: I'm waiting for a rematch:)
4th The world has such a social form of marketing is the norm. Osram Phillips reviled, the Durex Unimilu "saluting" dads using the products of their competition, Microsoft gives itself prztyczki each other in the nose with Apple and no one is offended:]
People interested in marketing probably remember What Bill Gates said at the Comdex conference several years ago and what was the response the Head GM. Assure you, much heavier than the comparison of two images.
5th No, I do not envy. I'm not a fan of mass campaigns in such a niche industry, opted for a more sfocusowaną advertising. Thus, even when I have done two million - and so I go in B2B, not one or another form of teaser'ów.

Lodz is a strange and zapyziałe town when it comes to the industry.
When did I want to privately in e-mails, discuss industry competition nt - Lady with a single agency has ignored this correspondence, the other light wz opryskliwym tone replied that she herself knows better. When there are several posts about Fashion Week in Lodz, the positive, praising event but calling attention to the weaknesses, shortcomings - Jacek Irmina like the Crusaders went to war to fight with people of a different view.

I'm not perfect. Eithel is not perfect. But thanks to the often sharp criticism from Tancredi (greet him at this point!), Which could ironizować to me like nobody else, thanks dłuuugim discussions, not necessarily with honing the ass with Seweryn (greet and His) or, finally, sometimes substantive disputes with Piotrek Mileckim (also bow Peter) I know that to build an agency with a real need to have a decent contract, a small but strong army of people do not work for free "to promote" the events in the style of Night of Museums, give people the social as in the west and order tests good photographers, rarely reach for the camera itself so

In Lodz easily talk over someone behind your back, throw półanonima the forum to work it out, comment, talk over and pour out their grievances photographer friend. In fashion, it is also telling someone that someone who give to the court for something.
Open discussion? Whit of irony?


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