Monday, November 22, 2010

Melina Velba Suspenders


 I may not have that much clothes, I mean...ok, my closet is a fatty but I don't have such amounts of clothes to feel original. There's something however that I'm absolutely addicted to, something that definds me more than my clothes, something I can't stop buying, making and producing. The something is called - jewelry. The basic problem is that I not only buy jewelry, I also make it. That's way my "collection" is constantly increasing.
This is going to be the new subject of this blog, something that will keep my private life away 'cause seriously, internet is not the right place to write about your personal life.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Remington 870 Mcs Cost

to go ..

grown silent bit lately .. Unfortunately, and almost made up for arrears (with an emphasis on ALMOST) arrears closed. The same time begin to praise what will be that someone did not think that just sit and deal with chasing a heel to what I was:]

- November 24 - open the Sterling Business Center (5 models, make up)
- November 30 - Top Secret fashion show & friends (16 models / models, make up, choreographer, photo, sound)
- December 2 - event for Imperial Tobacco, Sheraton Hotel, Warsaw, Poland (10 models, make up, photographer)
- December 6 - Prime Minister's 2011 calendar Eithel

addition, in the coming week, Martin will sit during the session, one of Warsaw's image 'Day Spa'.

are also working on implementations for 3, 6 and 18 December. Keep your fingers crossed!

Below are some photos from the previous session to the portfolio which have recently been realized for us Sewell and Jack:)

by Agnes Sewell:

Paulina by Janek:

by Agata Janina:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Military Retirement Outfit

Autumn's break downs

Hat: New Yorker
Sweater: India shop
Jeans: H&M
Boots: Ryłko
Jewelry: Made by my mum

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Magnesium Water And Blood Pressure Sidi Harazem

Comments freed:)

Someone complained to me that it's difficult to blog post comments, you must be logged in so ... I changed the comment settings. Why not add them all so go ahead;)

PS Apparently, Lord of the GM here, too, and it is therefore zagadają warm greet! :]

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


praise up:)

Can anyone comment? :) Do you like someone? :)
And cheers to John!