I mentioned, that will put photos soon przecudnych of art - my mother's jewelery. Here they. Today I show you (wam. .. if anyone looks here), jewelry made of felt. Us treat it as part of the first, the next time I'll try to post pictures of a different material.
This jewelry is for sale if you are interested in any of the articles presented here, just write me an e-mail or leave a comment. Besides, like jewelry, and other end my mother, you can find on my profile allegro: http://www.allegro .com / show_user_auctions.php? uid = 3443136 . Soon I hope, will also appear on Pakamerze and / or Decobazarze. Will put the information when I receive a reply.
Jewelry is also done on order, both by me and by my Mother of:). If you are interested please contact me as above.